A George III silver tea caddy, maker's mark of John Denzilow,…
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A George III silver tea caddy, maker's mark of John Denzilow, London 1791, rectangular with canted corners and a slightly domed cover with finial, having bands of bright cut engraving of flowerheads and two vacant cartouches, height 14 cm, 462g

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  • George Iii - George III (1738 - 1820) was King of Great Britain and Ireland from 1760 to 1820.
  • Finial - An architectural decoration, found on the upper parts of of an object. On furniture they are usually found on pediments, canopies and shelf supports. On smaller ceramic or silver items, such as spoons, they may decorate the top of the item itself, or the lid or cover where they provide a useful handle for removal.

    Finials have a variety of shapes and forms. They may be urn-shaped, baluster shaped round or spiral, but usually taper into an upper point. Many real life shapes may also be used as finials, such as pineapples, berries, pinecones, buds, lotus and acorns. Sometimes animals such as a lion are depicted, or fish and dolphins.
  • Canted Corners - In decorative arts, especially furniture making, a canted corner refers to a technique where the corner of the piece is angled or "canted" to create a diagonal corner. This is different from a chamfered corner which is a technique where the edges of a corner are cut at an angle, creating a diagonal edge or "bevel" along the corner.

    A canted corner is typically used to add visual interest to the item. It can be found in various styles of furniture such as contemporary, Art Deco, or traditional. It is often used to create a sense of movement and dynamism in a piece.

    Canting a corner is a more complex technique than chamfering, and it is typically done by tilting the corner of a piece of furniture and then cutting the wood to match the angle. It's a technique that requires precise measurements and a good understanding of angles and geometry, and it is usually done by experienced artisans.

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