A Victorian sterling silver marrow scoop, Mappin & Webb (mark…
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A Victorian sterling silver marrow scoop, Mappin & Webb (mark of John Newton Mappin), Sheffield, 1864, of double ended form, the flat centre engraved with a lion rampant heraldic device, weight 41g, length 23 cm

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  • Marrow Spoon - A spoon with a long handle and a narrow scoop shaped bowl, used to scoop and eat marrow from the hollow centre of roasted bones. Some marrow scoops are double ended with a different shaped bowl at each end.
  • Heraldic Decoration - Heraldic decoration on silver, glass, and porcelain refers to the use of coats of arms and other heraldic symbols as decorative motifs on these materials. Coats of arms were traditionally used to identify individuals, families, and institutions, and were often displayed on shields, banners, and other objects.

    The heraldic decoration typically takes the form of engraved or etched designs that incorporate coats of arms or other heraldic symbols. Heraldic decoration on silver, glass, and porcelain has a long history, dating back to the medieval period when coats of arms were first used. During the Renaissance and Baroque periods, heraldic decoration on decorative objects became increasingly elaborate and ornate, with finely detailed designs that often incorporated intricate scrollwork, mythological figures, and other decorative motifs.

    In the 18th and 19th centuries, heraldic decoration became particularly popular among the aristocracy and upper classes, who used these objects as symbols of their wealth and status.
  • Engraving - The method of decorating or creating inscriptions on silver and other metal objects by marking the surface with a sharp instrument such as a diamond point or rotating cutting wheel.
  • Sterling Silver - Sterling silver is a mixture of 92.5% pure silver and 7.5% of another metal, usually copper. Fine silver is 99.9% pure silver, and is relatively soft and the addition of the very small amount of copper gives the metal enough strength and hardness to be worked into jewellery, decorative and household objects.
  • Victorian Period - The Victorian period of furniture and decorative arts design covers the reign of Queen Victoria from 1837 to 1901. There was not one dominant style of furniture in the Victorian period. Designers used and modified many historical styles such as Gothic, Tudor, Elizabethan, English Rococo, Neoclassical and others, although use of some styles, such as English Rococo and Gothic tended to dominate the furniture manufacture of the period.

    The Victorian period was preceded by the Regency and William IV periods, and followed by the Edwardian period, named for Edward VII (1841 ? 1910) who was King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions and Emperor of India for the brief period from 1901 until his death in 1910.

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