Games table, late 19th century, rosewood with verre eglomise…
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Games table, late 19th century, rosewood with verre eglomise top games board with pressed gold leaf border, height 73 cm Diam: 66 cm

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  • Rosewood - A dense timber that varies in shade to very light brown to almost black. When rosewood is cut and sanded the colour of the timber will turn black, and after polishing and exposure to daylight, the surface will gradually lighten over time to light brown with black streaks.

    The name comes from the odour emanating from the timber when it is planed, sanded or cut.

    Rosewood was very popular for use in Victorian furniture in the second half of the 19th century, and at that time most of the rosewood was imported from Brazil. However it also grows in India and Indonesia.

    It is used in the sold for chairs and table legs, but for carcase furniture such as side cabinets and bookcases, and for table tops it is always used as a veneer.
  • Verre Églomisé - Verre églomisé is the process by which the reverse of glass is decorated with gold or silver foil, sometimes with the addition of painted decoration. The technique was popular in the early and mid 19th century, but its use dates back to pre-Roman times.

    It was used as a decorative effect on mirrors, table tops and clocks.

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