An English long case clock, J W Benson, Ludgate Hill, circa…
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An English long case clock, J W Benson, Ludgate Hill, circa 1865, mahogany framed case, glazed to front and sides, three quarter length door flanked by Corinthian columns. The case mounted on deep plinth base with inset panels. The lower part of the case enclosed with decorative inset panels. The 30.5 cm diameter brass dial with Roman numerals, signed J. W. Benson 62-64 Ludgate Hill, by special warrant to her Majesty. The three train weight driven movement of one month duration playing Westminster chime or chiming on eight bells with anchor escapement, 213.3 cm high, 66 cm wide, 54 cm deep

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This item has been sold, and the description, image and price are for reference purposes only.
  • Movement - The technical name for the workings of a clock or watch, and does not include the dial or case.
  • Mahogany - Mahogany is a dense, close grained red-coloured timber from the West Indies and Central America. It was first imported into Europe in the the early 18th century and its use continued through the 19th century. It was popular for furniture making because of its strength, the wide boards available, the distinctive grain on some boards, termed flame mahogany and the rich warm colour of the timber when it was polished.. The "flame" was produced where a limb grew out from the trunk of the tree, and this timber was usually sliced into veneers for feature panels on doors, backs and cornices.

    Some terms used to describe mahogany relate to the country from which it originally came, such as "Cuban" mahogany, "Honduras" mahogany etc. However unless the wood has been tested the names assigned are more a selling feature, rather than a true indication of the timber's origin.
  • Circa - A Latin term meaning 'about', often used in the antique trade to give an approximate date for the piece, usually considered to be five years on either side of the circa year. Thus, circa 1900 means the piece was made about 1900, probably between 1895 and 1905. The expression is sometimes abbreviated to c.1900.
  • Anchor Escapement - An anchor escapement is a type of mechanical escapement used in clocks and watches. It is a refinement of the older verge escapement, which was used in early mechanical timekeeping devices. The anchor escapement is characterised by the use of an anchor-shaped pallet that rocks back and forth, alternately locking and releasing the escape wheel. This action allows the movement of the watch or clock to be regulated, producing the characteristic tick-tock sound that is associated with mechanical timekeeping devices. The anchor escapement is generally more accurate and reliable than the verge escapement, and it is still used in many modern clocks and watches today.

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