Good George II sterling silver coffee pot, hallmarked, London,…
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Good George II sterling silver coffee pot, hallmarked, London, 1739, Ayme Videau, of tapering cylindrical form, with wooden scroll capped handle, hinged shallow dome cover and an acorn filial, engraved with delicate rococo scrolls and shells and a coat of arms to one side, total weight 17oz, height 20 cm. Catalogue note: Jackson's refers to the maker as a 'Fine Huguenot Maker of Particularly Good Coffee Pots', while Grimwade refers to his work being of 'High Quality, with Particularly Graceful, Flat chasing'

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  • Chasing - The method of decorating gold and silver objects using a punch and hammer so that the design appears in relief. Flat or surface chasing is done from the front giving the item definition, but not cutting into the metal.

    Chasing is the opposite technique to repousse, but an object that has repousse work, may then have chasing applied to create a finished piece.
  • Hallmarks - A mark stamped on articles of precious metals in Britain, since the 14th century, certifying their purity. It derives its name from the Guild Hall of the Goldsmiths' Company, who recieved its Charter in 1327 giving it the power to assay (test the purity) and mark articles of gold and silver.

    The hallmark will consist of several marks, including the:

    - silver standard mark, indicating the purity of the metal. Sterling silver is .925 pure silver.

    - the city mark indicating the city in which it was assayed eg London, Birmingham, York etc.

    - the date mark, usually a letter of the alphabet in a particular font and case,

    - a duty mark, indicating whether duty had been paid to the crown, and only in use from 1784 to 1890

    The piece may include an additional mark, the maker's mark, although not forming part of the hallmark, will be located in the vicinity of the hallmarks.

    Sometimes silver plated items will bear faux hallmarks, often confusing those not familiar with silver markings.
  • Sterling Silver - Sterling silver is a mixture of 92.5% pure silver and 7.5% of another metal, usually copper. Fine silver is 99.9% pure silver, and is relatively soft and the addition of the very small amount of copper gives the metal enough strength and hardness to be worked into jewellery, decorative and household objects.
  • Engraving - The method of decorating or creating inscriptions on silver and other metal objects by marking the surface with a sharp instrument such as a diamond point or rotating cutting wheel.
  • George Ii - George II (1683 - 1760) was King of Great Britain and Ireland from 1727 until his death in 1760.

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