Memorial brooch/pendant, circa 1792, the navette shaped plaque…
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Memorial brooch/pendant, circa 1792, the navette shaped plaque decorated with hair bow motif and applied beading, painted initials and reading 'Married 16 Dec 1792', to a glazed cover, within a repousse frame, length 45 mm, width 30 mm.

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  • Navette - Navette, the French word for (weaver's) shuttle, means shuttle shaped, and is used to describe shapes in jewellery, ceramics and silver.
  • Circa - A Latin term meaning 'about', often used in the antique trade to give an approximate date for the piece, usually considered to be five years on either side of the circa year. Thus, circa 1900 means the piece was made about 1900, probably between 1895 and 1905. The expression is sometimes abbreviated to c.1900.
  • Embossed / Repousse - Embossing, also known as repousse, is the technique of decorating metal with raised designs, by pressing or beating out the design from the reverse side of the object.It is the opposite of chasing, where the decoration is applied from the front. An embossed or repoussed object may have chasing applied to finish off the design.

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