Gaultier Doll, stationary blue paperweight eyes, closed mouth,…
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Gaultier Doll, stationary blue paperweight eyes, closed mouth, blonde mohair wig with pierced ears on straight limb composition body with walking mechanism 35 cm, marked F G monogram

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  • Composition - Composition is a material used for dolls, sculpture and furniture. It is a type of composite material made from a mixture of materials such as sawdust, glue, and pigments. It is a popular material for dolls and figurines because it is lightweight and easy to work with. It is also used in furniture-making, particularly in the construction of decorative pieces such as figurines and sculptures. It is less common in high-end furniture as it is not as durable as some other materials such as wood or metal. However, it is a more affordable and accessible option for some types of decorative pieces.
  • Mohair - Mohair is a type of fabric or yarn that is made from the hair of the Angora goat. Mohair is known for its softness, luster, and durability, and it is often used in high-end fashion and textile products.

    The Angora goat is native to Turkey, but it is now raised in many parts of the world, including South Africa, the United States, and Australia. The goats are sheared twice a year to harvest their long, silky hair, which can be up to 30 cm (12 inches) in length.

    The hair is then spun into yarn, which can be woven or knitted into fabrics for clothing, blankets, and other textiles. Mohair is often blended with other fibers, such as wool or silk, to improve its strength and texture.

    Mohair is prized for its softness, which comes from the fine, tightly curled fibers of the Angora goat's hair. The fibre is also naturally lustrous, with a shiny, almost metallic appearance. Mohair is also highly durable and resistant to moisture, making it a popular choice for high-end fashion products such as suits, coats, and evening wear.

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